Upcoming Event: Global, Guided Meditation
The Power of Connection
Join us bi-weekly starting February 16, 2025, for a free 45-minute Zoom session featuring a 30-minute guided meditation and a 15-minute Q&A with Ronit Singer at 11:00 AM EST.
Together, we’ll explore the power of connection—with ourselves, each other, and the world—to create the lives and future we believe in.

Events, Classes & Retreats
Oneness Center offers a range of classes, events, and retreats for all levels, under the guidance of Ronit Singer.
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Oneness Center has offered a variety of FREE public virtual events. Please press on the button to below to see when the next virtual meditation or Q&A session is.
Current & Upcoming Classes
Embodiment Yoga Fly
Embodiment Yoga is a channeled practice designed to help one connect the physical realm with universal grids. The practice of Embodiment Yoga is transformative for body, mind and spirit. It is a nonlinear teaching and the more one practices it, the deeper and higher one soars in the perception of self, life and reality. In this class, you will join us on this magical journey where you go deep, fly high and remember who you are.
Advanced Embodiment Yoga
Advanced Embodiment Yoga is a program focused on Empowered Healing, Speaking Oneness and Movement Meditation. "I believe the combination of practicing Embodiment Yoga, opening up the body to universal flow, and practicing living and speaking oneness opens the gates to becoming a living light, a channel of Oneness, and a healer of humanity.” - Ronit Singer
2022 Retreat with Ronit
Each year Ronit offers a weeklong retreat in beautiful places in the world. Details about 2022 Retreat with Ronit opportunities coming soon.

Recent Classes & Retreats
Mastering the Self
The self is a tapestry of ideas, beliefs and concepts one identifies with and lives by, the foundation of how one perceives reality. One cannot master the self until one realizes the self. The first step in realizing the self is seeing and owning the building blocks of one’s reality.
Using sprits presence and universal intelligence, this class teaches how to read bodies, how to dialogue with bodies and how to heal/balance yours and other bodies.
Empowerment Program
Creating personal and universal experiences from empowered spaces of clarity, connection, and wisdom.
Mastery Program
Stepping more and more into your powerful, you are invited to deepen your connection with your inner experience and strengthen your expression in this world.
Advanced Embodiment Yoga Retreat
Each year Ronit offers a weeklong retreat in beautiful places in the world. This year’s retreat is on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
Postponed to 2022.
Meditative Handpan Course
An in-depth focus on improving your skillset as a musician and on your ability to express your spirit and soul through music, touch and rhythm.
Embodiment Yoga Moving Into Self Realization
Ronit teaches the equation of 4 realities: body, knowing, big picture and energies. She shows her students how to realize and flow these realities in a non-mental way, into a life that is inspiring and ever evolving.
Stillness in Motion
This course is about going into the depths and heights of your being, liberating and melting physical, emotional and mental wounds and embodying spirits presence. This is a 10 session course for advanced students.